lib / tv.smartclip.smartclientandroid.lib.dto / SxConfiguration / <init>


SxConfiguration(@StringRes title: Int = 0, @StyleRes titleStyle: Int =, showMuteToggleButton: Boolean = true, @StyleRes unmuteIconStyle: Int =, @StyleRes muteIconStyle: Int =, initialMuted: Boolean = false, onEndBehaviour: SxOnEndBehaviour = NOTHING, onEndBehaviourWhenSkipped: SxOnEndBehaviour = COLLAPSE, @StyleRes repeatButtonStyle: Int =, allowAdSkipping: Boolean = true, skipAdDuration: Int = -1, @StringRes skipButtonText: Int = R.string.skip_button_text, @StyleRes skipButtonStyle: Int =, showPlaybackProgress: Boolean = true, @StyleRes progressBarStyle: Int =, clickType: SxClickType = SxClickType.CLICKABLE_WITH_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG, @StringRes clickThroughDialogTitle: Int = 0, @StringRes clickThroughDialogMessage: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogMessage, @StringRes clickThroughDialogPositiveAnswer: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogPositiveLabel, @StringRes clickThroughDialogNegativeAnswer: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogNegativeLabel, clickThroughListener: ((listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) -> Boolean)? = null, layoutConfiguration: SxLayoutConfiguration = SxLayoutConfiguration(), desiredBitrate: Int = -1, desiredMimeTypes: List<String> = listOf("video/mp4"), adCategories: List<String> = emptyList(), apiFrameworks: List<Int> = listOf(7), appName: String? = "", blockedCategories: List<String> = emptyList(), breakPosition: SxBreakPosition = OTHER, contentId: String = "", contentUri: String = "", domain: String = "", deviceIp: String = "", extension: List<String> = emptyList(), ifa: String = "", ifaType: String = "", inventoryState: List<String> = emptyList(), latLong: String = "", limitAdTracking: Int = 0, mediaPlayhead: String = "", placementType: SxPlacementType = UNDEFINED, playerCapabilities: List<SxPlayerCapabilities> = listOf(MUTE), regulations: List<String> = emptyList(), verificationVendors: List<String> = emptyList(), variantsWithProgress: List<SxVariant> = listOf(COMMERCIAL), useCase: SxAdUseCase = SxAdUseCase.INSTREAM, userAgent: String = USER_AGENT, omidConfig: SxOmidConfig = SxOmidConfig())

Configuration for the advertisement overlay, click handling and other parameters. Can be used to configure the SxAdView or SxSequencer. By default the SxAdView uses the SxConfiguration.OUTSTREAM configuration and the SxSequencer the SxConfiguration.INSTREAM configuration.