@JsonClass(true) data class SxEnvironmentVariables
Contains all environment variables used by the smartcore.
BreakPositionAdapter |
class BreakPositionAdapter |
ClickTypeAdapter |
class ClickTypeAdapter |
ConnectionTypeAdapter |
class ConnectionTypeAdapter |
DeviceScreenSize |
class DeviceScreenSize |
DeviceTypeAdapter |
class DeviceTypeAdapter |
PairAdapter |
class PairAdapter |
<init> |
SxEnvironmentVariables(context: Context, config: SxConfiguration)
Contains all environment variables used by the smartcore. SxEnvironmentVariables(desiredBitrate: Int? = null, desiredMimeTypes: List<String>? = null, deviceType: SxDeviceType? = null, networkReachability: SxConnectionType? = null, playerHeight: Int? = null, playerWidth: Int? = null, playerSize: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, screenHeight: Int? = null, screenWidth: Int? = null, deviceScreenSize: DeviceScreenSize? = null, pageTitle: String? = null, allowInswipe: Boolean? = null, fif: String? = null, of: String? = null, blocked: Boolean? = null, macro: SxMacros? = null) |
allowInswipe |
true if no iframe, or friendly iframe. val allowInswipe: Boolean? |
blocked |
Adblocker detected by Homad. val blocked: Boolean? |
desiredBitrate |
Indicates the desired bitrate in kilobits per second (kbps). The player uses this information to select media files with an appropriate bitrate. Defaulting to null. Note: If set, this will disable the plugin-bitrate detection. val desiredBitrate: Int? |
desiredMimeTypes |
Declaration of accepted media types (whitelist). Defaulting to types that the browser eventually is able to play. Types must be compliant with the IANA Media Type standard Note: If set, this will override the plugin-media types. For a list of supported media types see tbd - Glossar Media Types. val desiredMimeTypes: List<String>? |
deviceScreenSize |
Screen Size as DeviceScreenSize object. val deviceScreenSize: DeviceScreenSize? |
deviceType |
Local SxDeviceType. val deviceType: SxDeviceType? |
fif |
true unless unfriendly iframe. val fif: String? |
macro |
The VAST 4.1 macros supported by the Framework as defined in SxMacros val macro: SxMacros? |
networkReachability |
val networkReachability: SxConnectionType? |
of |
https://stackoverflow.com/a/19883965 val of: String? |
pageTitle |
Url encoded page title. val pageTitle: String? |
playerHeight |
Needs to be kept for SpotX tags. val playerHeight: Int? |
playerSize |
Integer width and height of the player, separated by a ",", measured in css pixels (device-independent). val playerSize: Pair<Int, Int>? |
playerWidth |
Needs to be kept for SpotX tags. val playerWidth: Int? |
screenHeight |
Screen height in pixels. val screenHeight: Int? |
screenWidth |
Screen width in pixels. val screenWidth: Int? |
toJson |
fun toJson(): String |