interface SxVideoPlayerWrapper : Releasable
Describes the outstream video player with support for observing the different properties of the player.
duration |
abstract val duration: Long |
durationObservable |
Duration of the current media playback in milliseconds. abstract val durationObservable: IObservable<Long> |
event |
abstract val event: SxVideoPlayerEvent |
eventsObservable |
abstract val eventsObservable: IObservable<SxVideoPlayerEvent> |
mediaUrl |
Url of the last loaded media file or abstract var mediaUrl: String? |
overlayContainer |
ViewGroup of the overlay container. Must be used to add any Views that should be shown above the media. abstract val overlayContainer: ViewGroup |
playbackState |
abstract val playbackState: PlaybackState |
playbackStateObservable |
PlaybackState of the current media playback. abstract val playbackStateObservable: IObservable<PlaybackState> |
playWhenReady |
abstract var playWhenReady: Boolean |
playWhenReadyControllable |
abstract val playWhenReadyControllable: IObservable<Boolean> |
position |
abstract val position: Long |
positionObservable |
Position of the current media playback in milliseconds. abstract val positionObservable: IObservable<Long> |
surfaceView |
Surface view of the video player. abstract val surfaceView: View |
loadAd |
Is called when a new advertising media should be loaded. Playback should be starting immediately after load. Seeking of the media should not be possible. abstract fun loadAd(url: String, closedCaptions: List<SxClosedCaption> = emptyList()): Unit |
seek |
Is called when the current media should be sought by an offset. abstract fun seek(offset: Long): Unit |
AbsVideoPlayerWrapper |
Implements Observables/Controllable and links them with their corresponding property. Also triggers new event when one of the properties changes. abstract class AbsVideoPlayerWrapper : SxVideoPlayerWrapper |
SxInstreamVideoPlayerWrapper |
Describes the instream video player with support for observing the different properties of the player. interface SxInstreamVideoPlayerWrapper : SxVideoPlayerWrapper |