class SxAdSlotController : IKoinDi
Wrapper for advertisement processing. After the loading process was initialized by one of the SxAdSlotController.loadAd methods all needed visualization changes are forwarded to the provided SxAdSlotDelegate.
loadAd |
Request the initialization of the provided SxAdSlot from the smartcore. suspend fun <S : SAdSlot<S>> loadAd(adSlot: S): Unit
Same as SxAdSlotController.loadAd but with Strings instead of Uris for the Url's. suspend fun
Same as SxAdSlotController.loadAd with autoPlay set to suspend fun suspend fun
Request the initialization of the provided ad tag and its optional opener, closer and bumper from the smartcore. suspend fun |
release |
Releases all system resources which are referenced by this instance. After calling this, this instance can not be used any further. fun release(): Unit |
startAd |
Only use in the following cases: fun startAd(): Unit |
create |
Creates a new SxAdSlotController instance for the instream use-case. fun create(params: InstreamParams): SxAdSlotController
Creates a new SxAdSlotController instance for the outstream use-case. fun create(params: OutstreamParams): SxAdSlotController |