data class SxConfiguration
Configuration for the advertisement overlay, click handling and other parameters. Can be used to configure the SxAdView or SxSequencer. By default the SxAdView uses the SxConfiguration.OUTSTREAM configuration and the SxSequencer the SxConfiguration.INSTREAM configuration.
<init> |
Configuration for the advertisement overlay, click handling and other parameters. Can be used to configure the SxAdView or SxSequencer. By default the SxAdView uses the SxConfiguration.OUTSTREAM configuration and the SxSequencer the SxConfiguration.INSTREAM configuration. SxConfiguration(title: Int = 0, titleStyle: Int =, showMuteToggleButton: Boolean = true, unmuteIconStyle: Int =, muteIconStyle: Int =, initialMuted: Boolean = false, onEndBehaviour: SxOnEndBehaviour = NOTHING, onEndBehaviourWhenSkipped: SxOnEndBehaviour = COLLAPSE, repeatButtonStyle: Int =, allowAdSkipping: Boolean = true, skipAdDuration: Int = -1, skipButtonText: Int = R.string.skip_button_text, skipButtonStyle: Int =, showPlaybackProgress: Boolean = true, progressBarStyle: Int =, clickType: SxClickType = SxClickType.CLICKABLE_WITH_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG, clickThroughDialogTitle: Int = 0, clickThroughDialogMessage: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogMessage, clickThroughDialogPositiveAnswer: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogPositiveLabel, clickThroughDialogNegativeAnswer: Int = R.string.clickthroughDialogNegativeLabel, clickThroughListener: ((listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) -> Boolean)? = null, layoutConfiguration: SxLayoutConfiguration = SxLayoutConfiguration(), desiredBitrate: Int = -1, desiredMimeTypes: List<String> = listOf("video/mp4"), adCategories: List<String> = emptyList(), apiFrameworks: List<Int> = listOf(7), appName: String? = "", blockedCategories: List<String> = emptyList(), breakPosition: SxBreakPosition = OTHER, contentId: String = "", contentUri: String = "", domain: String = "", deviceIp: String = "", extension: List<String> = emptyList(), ifa: String = "", ifaType: String = "", inventoryState: List<String> = emptyList(), latLong: String = "", limitAdTracking: Int = 0, mediaPlayhead: String = "", placementType: SxPlacementType = UNDEFINED, playerCapabilities: List<SxPlayerCapabilities> = listOf(MUTE), regulations: List<String> = emptyList(), verificationVendors: List<String> = emptyList(), variantsWithProgress: List<SxVariant> = listOf(COMMERCIAL), useCase: SxAdUseCase = SxAdUseCase.INSTREAM, userAgent: String = USER_AGENT, omidConfig: SxOmidConfig = SxOmidConfig()) |
adCategories |
List of desired ad categories. Encoded with IABN-N values. val adCategories: List<String> |
allowAdSkipping |
var allowAdSkipping: Boolean |
apiFrameworks |
Player's feature support. val apiFrameworks: List<Int> |
appName |
Configure the name of the Name for the corresponding reporting macro val appName: String? |
blockedCategories |
List of blocked ad categories. Encoded with IABN-N values. val blockedCategories: List<String> |
breakPosition |
Position of the ad break within the underlying video/audio content; 1 for preroll, 2 for first midroll, ... val breakPosition: SxBreakPosition |
clickThroughDialogMessage |
StringRes of the String to use for the message of the click through dialog. var clickThroughDialogMessage: Int |
clickThroughDialogNegativeAnswer |
StringRes of the String to use for the negative button of the click through dialog. var clickThroughDialogNegativeAnswer: Int |
clickThroughDialogPositiveAnswer |
StringRes of the String to use for the positive button of the click through dialog. var clickThroughDialogPositiveAnswer: Int |
clickThroughDialogTitle |
StringRes of the String to use for the title of the click through dialog. var clickThroughDialogTitle: Int |
clickThroughListener |
If defined and clickType is
SxClickType.CLICKABLE_WITH_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG this method will be invoked when a user tapped
on an advertisement.
If you want the SDK to show the dialog to the user just return var clickThroughListener: ((listener: (Boolean) -> Unit) -> Boolean)? |
clickType |
Defines the behaviour when user taps on a video of an advertisement. var clickType: SxClickType |
contentId |
Publisher-specific content identifier for the content asset into which the ad is being loaded or inserted. Only applicable to in-stream ads. val contentId: String |
contentUri |
val contentUri: String |
desiredBitrate |
Defines a preferred bitrate for the advertisement clips. By default the bitrate is determined automatically by the backend. var desiredBitrate: Int |
desiredMimeTypes |
Defines preferred mime types to use. By default the bitrate is determined automatically by the backend. var desiredMimeTypes: List<String> |
deviceIp |
IP address of the device that is rendering the ad to the end user. Only relevant when another device (server) is making the request on behalf of that client. val deviceIp: String |
domain |
val domain: String |
extension |
val extension: List<String> |
ifa |
A resettable advertising ID from a device-specific advertising ID scheme, such as Android’s Advertising ID in UUID format or based on the IAB Tech Lab’s Guidelines for IFA on OTT platforms. val ifa: String |
ifaType |
String value indicating the type of IFA included in the IFA macro val ifaType: String |
initialMuted |
var initialMuted: Boolean |
inventoryState |
val inventoryState: List<String> |
latLong |
val latLong: String |
layoutConfiguration |
Defines the layout constraints of the video player. Defaulting to a horizontal var layoutConfiguration: SxLayoutConfiguration |
limitAdTracking |
The limit ad tracking setting of a device-specific advertising ID
scheme. This value is a boolean, with val limitAdTracking: Int |
mediaPlayhead |
Deprecated: Playhead for the video or audio content (NOT the ad creative). val mediaPlayhead: String |
muteIconStyle |
StyleRes of the style for the mute button used when audio is not muted. so next touch would mute audio. var muteIconStyle: Int |
omidConfig |
val omidConfig: SxOmidConfig |
onEndBehaviour |
Defines the behaviour when the advertisement and all separator clips have finished playback without getting skipped. The behaviour for a skipped advertisement is defined in onEndBehaviourWhenSkipped. var onEndBehaviour: SxOnEndBehaviour |
onEndBehaviourWhenSkipped |
Defines the behaviour when the advertisement and all separator clips have finished playback after the user skipped one of the advertisement clips. var onEndBehaviourWhenSkipped: SxOnEndBehaviour |
placementType |
Indicates the type of advertisement placement. Defaulting to UNDEFINED. val placementType: SxPlacementType |
playerCapabilities |
List of SxPlayerCapabilities supported by the player. val playerCapabilities: List<SxPlayerCapabilities> |
progressBarStyle |
StyleRes of the progress bar style. Defaulting to a white progress bar above a dark background. Style should be extended by android:Widget.Material.ProgressBar.Horizontal var progressBarStyle: Int |
regulations |
List of applicable regulations (possible: gdpr, coppa). val regulations: List<String> |
repeatButtonStyle |
StyleRes of the style for the repeat button shown when SxOnEndBehaviour.REPEAT_BUTTON is used as end behaviour. var repeatButtonStyle: Int |
showMuteToggleButton |
var showMuteToggleButton: Boolean |
showPlaybackProgress |
var showPlaybackProgress: Boolean |
skipAdDuration |
Duration in seconds after the advertisement becomes skipable. Can be overwritten by advertisement tag. var skipAdDuration: Int |
skipButtonStyle |
StyleRes of the skip button style. var skipButtonStyle: Int |
skipButtonText |
StringRes of the String for the skip button label. var skipButtonText: Int |
title |
StringRes of the String to show in the upper left corner of the advertisement. var title: Int |
titleStyle |
StyleRes of the style for the title. var titleStyle: Int |
unmuteIconStyle |
StyleRes of the style for the mute button used when audio is muted. so next touch would unmute audio. var unmuteIconStyle: Int |
useCase |
Defines the SxAdUseCase of the ad that is used with this configuration. val useCase: SxAdUseCase |
userAgent |
Defines the user agent that is used for the outbound communication with the core as well as for all request made by the ExoPlayer (when using ExoWrapper or InstreamExoWrapper). val userAgent: String |
variantsWithProgress |
SxVariants which will have an active progress bar. val variantsWithProgress: List<SxVariant> |
verificationVendors |
List of VAST Verification vendor attribute values that the player / client supports. val verificationVendors: List<String> |
string |
fun Context.string(id: Int): String? |
toString |
fun toString(context: Context): String |
Configuration which is suitable for most instream usecases. val INSTREAM: SxConfiguration |
Configuration which is suitable for most outstream usecases. val OUTSTREAM: SxConfiguration |
isInstream |
val SxConfiguration.isInstream: Boolean |
isOutstream |
val SxConfiguration.isOutstream: Boolean |