suspend fun <S : SAdSlot<S>> loadAd(adSlot: S): Unit
Request the initialization of the provided SxAdSlot from the smartcore.
suspend fun loadAd(adTag: String, autoPlay: Boolean = true, opener: String? = null, closer: String? = null, bumper: String? = null): Unit
Same as SxAdSlotController.loadAd but with Strings instead of Uris for the Url's.
suspend fun loadAd(adTag: String, opener: String? = null, closer: String? = null, bumper: String? = null): Unit
suspend fun loadAd(adTag: Uri, opener: Uri? = null, closer: Uri? = null, bumper: Uri? = null): Unit
Same as SxAdSlotController.loadAd with autoPlay set to true
suspend fun loadAd(adTag: Uri, autoPlay: Boolean = true, opener: Uri? = null, closer: Uri? = null, bumper: Uri? = null): Unit
Request the initialization of the provided ad tag and its optional opener, closer and bumper from the smartcore.
- Uri to Ad-Tag
- Boolean starts playback right after the ad tag was loaded. Default is true
- Uri to opener
- Uri to closer
- Uri to bumper